Thursday, September 23, 2010

TAG: Would You Rather - A Beauty Edition :)

Hi guys, 

Since I won't be able to make any reviews or tutorials until Monday, as I'm at my boyfriends, I'm going to answer a fun TAG that I saw @ (a cute beauty&fashion blog I just subbed to, u might wanna check it out ;) ). So here it goes:

1.Would you rather go out with messy hair and nice make-up or Nice hair and no make-up? 
Definitelly no make-up but my hair done (when it's not at least teased a bit at roots it's just really flat and thin... And even though I love make-up, I can do without it :D

2.Would you rather shave your eyebrows or have your eyelashes fall out?
I'd rather have my lashes fall out, since there are so many pretty false ones out there right? :)

3.Would you rather be forced to shop at only MAC or Sephora for the rest of your life?
Sephora :) Truth moment: I have not a single thing from MAC and I have never even been to a MAC store. But I really would love too have my first time some day soon, so if you guys have any advice on which should be my first MAC product to buy let me know!!!

By the way: have you guys seen this game? I loooove Monopoly and this seems like such a glam alternative:) I think it's a really sweet gist idea!

4.Would you rather wear lipgloss/lipliner look or 80's perm? 
The 80 perm, but styled nicely and glossy :) But not the bangs, or like part of my hair shaved off!
5.Would you rather leave the house with an obvious foundation line or overdone blush?
Overdone blush can look fashionable when matched with a nice look:) 


6.Would you rather wear MC Hammer pants or biker shorts in public? 
I don't really know what they are ;)

7.Would you rather have a bad orange-y spray tan or really weird tan lines that can't be covered? 
Orangy tan, I would use some cold shade of foundation to bring it down...

8.Would you rather have a bad haircut or bad hair color? 
Bad hair colour, since you can always use the coloring shampoos (even though they are a trouble when u wanna jump in the pool...)

9.Would you rather have youtube or twitter taken away forever?
Twitter, it's just like a little part of fb (the news feed), and nothing more really. Actually maybe I'm only saying it now since I've sent out only one twitt in my life (I 've only just signed up)

10. Would you rather give up using makeup brushes or mascara?  
make-up brushes. But if i had lot's of money, I'd skip mascara, and choose the extensions :D They are so gorgeous... And expensive...

So, I tag all of you lovely ladies :) 

Thank you to my 3 lovely subbies for following, and I invite all the rest of you to follow me ;) 

Have a gorgeous day, and I'll write you soon!


(And please let me know what my first MAC purchase should be!)


  1. That cat made my day..


  2. Hi, you have a really awesome and nicely structured blog. I am enjoying it.
    Would you mind checking out/following my blog at: ?

  3. i loved reading your answers!

    the first thing you should buy from MAC is one of their lipsticks

  4. Your answers were awesome!! My 1st MAC product was the gel liner in blacktrack and I loved it!!! I would recommend a lipstick! I love mac lipsticks.

